
Chris Johns cjohns at cybertec.com.au
Tue Aug 21 09:40:35 UTC 2001

rwas wrote:
> Joel Sherrill wrote:
> >
> > There is a cs8900 libchip driver in the current source code submitted by
> > Chris Johns <ccj at acm.org>.
> Where do I get it? Do I email Chris Johns?

No need, I am watching :-)

I am not sure about the status of the code in RTEMS's libchip, but you
can always pull the source from My Right Boot :


Look in "kernel/rtems/drivers/net" for the code. The driver has been
developed on a memory mapped Coldfire target but you should be able to
get it to run on an ISA card. The media selection logic is fixed in the
driver. You can mail me directly if you have specific questions. The
driver is under the RTEMS license.

I will check the libchip code when I get a another driver working and
make sure it is up to date.

 Chris Johns, cjohns @ cybertec.com.au

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