email with virus

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Mon Dec 3 14:37:51 UTC 2001


Since someone has already asked offlist what this virus was,
I thought I would post this link to info at McAfee:

The attachment had this name:


And it appears to be a trojan that one should be leary of.  
>From the description:

> Once running, the trojan attempts to mail the victim's IP Address to 
> the author. Once this information is obtained, the author can
> connect to the infected system via the Internet and steal personal 
> information such as usernames, and passwords. In addition, the
> trojan also contains a keylogger program which is capable of 
> capturing other vital information such as credit card and bank account
> numbers and passwords. 

There are instructions on both automatically and manually detecting and 
removing this one.

I hope this helps.

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
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