Anyone using GNAT+RTEMS?

Staffan Lernvall lernvs at
Wed Jul 18 11:05:58 UTC 2001


We are about to choose language/run-time system for a SPARC embedded
hard real-time application. Our preferred language is (so far) Ada95.
Has anyone experience to share from using GNAT+RTEMS in a "real" 
(reasonably large) project? What performance could we expect (interrupt
latency time, task switch time etc)? 

Best regards

Staffan Lernvall      
Saab Ericsson Space AB            Tel:   +46 31 735 41 29
S-405 15 GÖTEBORG                 Fax:   +46 31 735 40 00

email: staffan.lernvall at

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