PPPD Update

Mike Siers mikes at poliac.com
Mon Jul 23 20:00:20 UTC 2001

The attached files provide a fresh port of pppd 2.3.11 for RTEMS.
I have done all my testing with the i386/pc586 BSP.

Please try it out.  I would like to get these changes merged into
the next snapshot.

1) Apply patch file to snapshot 2001/07/12
   (if using i386, you also need to update tty_drv.c to use task driven I/O)
2) Rename the c/src/libnetworking/pppd directory
3) Untar the new pppd code into the c/src/libnetworking directory
4) Rebuild RTEMS
5) Check out the new example program in c/src/libnetworking/pppd/example

Mike Siers

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