Remote debuging for pc386

Camilo Alejandro Arboleda camilo.arboleda at
Tue Jul 24 21:13:06 UTC 2001


I am working with rtems 4.5.0 and cygwin. I have tried to enable remote debugin using i386-stub, but I hadn't been able to make it work. I did what file GDB.HOWTO says, when I try to connect to the target (usign 'target remote com2') I get the following output in gdb, and nothing in target board:

Sending packet: $Hc-1#09...Ack
Timed out.
Timed out.
Timed out.
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Sending packet: $qC#b4...Sending packet: $qC#b4...Sending packet: $qC#b4...Sending packet: $qC#b4...Timed out.
Timed out.
Timed out.
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Sending packet: $qOffsets#4b...Sending packet: $qOffsets#4b...Sending packet: $qOffsets#4b...Sending packet: $qOffsets#4b...Timed out.
Timed out.
Timed out.
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Couldn't establish connection to remote target
Malformed response to offset query, timeout

I don't know the remote debuging protocol, so I don't know what is wrong. I'd appreciate any help.

Camilo Alejandro Arboleda.

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