flight heritage

leonp at plris.com leonp at plris.com
Sun Jun 3 09:45:09 UTC 2001

At 11:44 01/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I am looking for some examples of space flight heritage of RTEMS. I am
>trying to convince
>the "powers that be" to consider RTEMS for an instrument and/or
>spacecraft controller.
>Examples of prior usage will help.  Can onyone point me towards missions
>that have used
>Thanks - Jerry

         Our Flight Data Recorder (see www.plris.com) uses RTEMS for the 
last 2 years successfully.
         We are very pleased with the system performance, simplicity, 
source code accessibility and other features.
         It is not exactly "the space flight", but still, military box.

Dr. Leon M.Pollak
PLR Information Systems Ltd.
E-mail: leonp at plris.com

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