PPC new exception processing and interrupt controller

VALETTE Eric valette at crf.canon.fr
Tue Jun 5 08:25:31 UTC 2001

OUTWATER ~ KEITH J /5G3110 wrote:

> Greetings all - 
> I'm trying to get a BSP for a generic powerPC 750 based system up and running 
> and I'm having some trouble figuring out how exceptions should be processed.
> I'm looking at the motorola_powerpc BSP family, but this set of BSPs is much 
> more complex than my application requires.
> I have an embedded system with only RAM, FLASH, a NS16550 UART and a custom 
> interrupt controller.  That's it!
> Can anyone summarize the method/approach for getting interrupts and the 
> interrupt controller hooked into RTEMS?  Initially, I'd be happy to get the UART 
> interrupt and the internal decrementer runing.
> Thanks!
> Keith.

You have already execption support. Interrupt are just a particular kind 
of exception. So I would chnage the exception handler associated with 
exetrnal interrupts (see  BSP_rtems_irq_mng_init in irq_init.c to put 
whatever function you want...).

Note that the low level code in irq_asm.c should be OK because it is not 
BSP dependent (PIC dependent).

My two 0.02.

   /  `                   	Eric Valette - Canon CRF
  /--   __  o _.          	Canon Development Europe Team Leader
(___, / (_(_(__         	Rue de la touche lambert
				35517 Cesson-Sevigne  Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)2 99 87 68 91	Fax: +33 (0)2 99 84 11 30
E-mail: valette at crf.canon.fr	http://www.crf.canon.fr

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