Recipe to newbie was Help me in building gcc for target i386 for rtems

Fernando RUIZ CASAS correo at
Wed Sep 12 22:34:54 UTC 2001



	Download the Getting Started with RTEMS from 'started.pdf'

	There you can see the traditional system to install rtems 4.5.0Beta3 in

	(The last version of cygwin( is very close to linux environment)

	Download the lastest version of cygwin (recomended) from
	Setup the downloaded packages and start a new cygwin bash session.

	Put attention choosing default file type DOS in the install step.
	With this the cr/lf or cr end-of-line can be readed without problems.

	Move all the downloaded files in /home/Your_account/archives (recomended)

      chdir to /home/Your_account and

	untar the files and apply the patches.(the c_tools)

      * binutils-2.10.tar.gz (binutils-2.10-rtems-20000726.diff)

	* gcc-2.95.2.tar.gz (gcc-2.95.2-rtems-20001226.diff)

	* newlib-1.9.0.tar.gz (newlib-1.9.0-rtems-20001219.diff)

	You can of course download the last versions of these files.(Your versions)

	And the last snapshot if you want to use it.

	* rtems-ss-20010816.tar.gz

	The new format bz2 can be untared with 'tar xvjf file.tar.bz2' directly.


       * c_build_scripts-4.5.0-beta3a.tgz.

	It contains the 'bit' and 'bit_rtems' script files to make all of this
      for newbies like us.

	Now you only need setup the user.cfg touching the variables inside.

	Modify the path adding (if you choose /opt/rtems like --prefix (default in


	Make a little trick to get this compilation.

	ln gcc.exe   cc.exe   in /bin
	ln gmake.exe make.exe in /bin

	in order to compile without problems and another last trick.

	change with regedit.exe

	HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WOW\cmdline from

 	'%SystemRoot%\system32\ntvdm.exe' to '%SystemRoot%\system32\ntvdm.exeXXX'

	to disable the execution of msdos 16 bits programs while your rtems or
c_tools compilation.

	Don't forget that after your successfull compilation undo the changes.
      The user applications don't need to compile this trick.

	Now, executing

	./bit i386

	a new 'build-i386-tools' directory will be created and
	the tools will be configured there.

	after this

	./bit i386 pc686

	a new 'build-i386-rtems' will be crated and
	the rtems libraries will be configured there.

	You can see after this all the /opt/rtems subdirectories with your binaries
and libraries to compile
	your new user programs.

	With this system I can compile my programs without problems.
      (perhaps any mistake can be done, sorry in advance)

	You can see that all of this is like unix environment.
	This system in more easy to install and
	all the linux instructions can be used.

	Enjoy it.

home: correo at
work: fernando.ruiz at

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