TFTP driver changes

Eric Norum eric.norum at
Wed Sep 26 18:43:39 UTC 2001

Till Straumann wrote:
> Simple: tftp_eval_path() checks the node argument's fileops. If they are TFTPfs',
> the CWD is already on TFTPfs and hence node_access holds the necessary
> path prefix :-)

But I still don't see how I can tell if the incoming path is absolute or

chdir ("/TFTP/somehereville/");
results in "somewhereville/" being passed to tftp_eval_path().

chdir ("somewhereville/");
results in "somewhereville/" being passed to tftp_eval_path().

How can tftp_eval_path() decide which of these is relative and which is
absolute?  They look pretty similar to me :-)

The code now in the driver assumes the path is absolute.
Eric Norum                                 eric.norum at
Department of Electrical Engineering       Phone: (306) 966-5394
University of Saskatchewan                 FAX:   (306) 966-5407
Saskatoon, Canada.

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