network boot

Vivek Vaid vaid at
Thu Sep 27 08:17:22 UTC 2001

On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Davide Del Vento wrote:

> Hi all.
> I would like to configure RTMES (on a PC104 and with a 3c509 Ethernet card) 
> to obtain a boot via network (NFS? FTP?). I found something on this archive, 
> eg. the threads:
> but I miss something...
> Could someone give me some suggestions?
> Thank you very much in advance,
> ;David

I used netboot . I downloaded the netboot package, and follwed to
instructions to make the Binary file, which i then programmed on the
eprom. (the chip should be atleast 16KB, mine was 32K)

I know generates etherboot images on website, and gives
the bin file. But to me (atleast) the etherboot chip was giving problems
in understanding the Netboot format files, which are generated by Default
for all examples of rtems.
in fact ifusing the standard makefiles of RTEMs, the netboot images of
your program are generated by default (.bt files).

However, using netboot might take you one step behind the standard of
using DCHP. since i found, netboot required a simple bootp server. (which
does not come with Redhat linux 6.2 or above, so you will have to get it
from older version, or 
Hence on server side you only need to enable bootp-server & tftp.
(whos config file bootptab is much simple that DHCP.conf)

NFS is only required if you need to mount file systems. For stand alone
control programs its not required.


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