RTEMS has entered the world of MIDI

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at bigpond.com
Fri Apr 5 08:20:18 UTC 2002

Thanks, I'll definitely take a look at that and see what it does.

Jesus Villena wrote:

>Angelo Fraietta wrote:
>>Today I have successfully generated MIDI notes on my DIMMPC running
>>RTEMS, playing them back through my MIDI port on my computer. This is a
>>huge milestone in this project and I should be demonstrating and
>>performing with the instrument at the ACMA conference in July this year.
>>The URL for the conference is
>There is another MIDI and audio device fully programmable which uses RTEMS
>as operating system and MidiShare to manage MIDI data, called Chameleon. It
>uses a ColdFire running at 40MHz and a Motorola DSP56303 running at 100 MHz.
>The SDK is available for free at the website:

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others - that is VANITY
There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve - that is LOVE
    Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153)

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