pc386 bsp - stdin broken?

Eric Norum eric.norum at usask.ca
Mon Aug 26 22:43:45 UTC 2002

On Monday, August 26, 2002, at 09:37 AM, Glen M Cornell wrote:

> {
> char buf[80];
> printf("what's your name?");
> scanf("%s", buf);
> printf("hello, %s\n",buf);
> }

I built your program with the latest tools and RTEMS snapshot.  It ran 
successfully on a PC with video display and keyboard, and on a PC with a 
serial line console (with the same executable actually, since I defined 
RTEMS_RUNTIME_CONSOLE_SELECT when building pc386/console/console.c).

Can you run the hello world example program?

Eric Norum <eric.norum at usask.ca>
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Canada.
Phone: (306) 966-5394   FAX:   (306) 966-5407

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