pc386 bsp - stdin broken?

Glen M Cornell cornell at gdls.com
Tue Aug 27 22:32:35 UTC 2002

To recapitulate the answers that I received, I'm posting to this thread.

The problem that I was facing is that the hello_world example that I was 
using does not enable the clock driver, upon which stdin depends.  To 
solve an apparent box lock-up, simply enable the clock device as in the 
ticker example.

Thanks for all the responses.

Glen M Cornell wrote:

> I sent a message from home last night, but did not see my posting. 
> Sorry if you get it twice.
> Is there some trick to getting stdin to work on the pc386 bsp?  I 
> changed the hello_world test application to read from stdin:
> {
> char buf[80];
> printf("what's your name?");
> scanf("%s", buf);
> printf("hello, %s\n",buf);
> }
> But this appears to lock up the board.  I also tried gets() with the 
> same results.  What's wrong with me???
> Oh, yes.  I'm using the latest snapshot and the latest c build tools.
> thanks for any help,
> glenco

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