vxworks module on rtems as application task ?

Salman unix at gofree.indigo.ie
Wed Dec 18 13:08:08 UTC 2002

Hey guys,

I'm not very familiar with vxworks.
does it give you a shell ?
can you insert modules in run-time, remotely ?

anyway, I have came across a driver for a pci card on vxworks here.
I think this is a module, and you're supposed to load it remotely when vxworks is initialized on target.
I believe the following is the function which starts the loading process (i could be wrong).

int init_module(int int_vect)


my understanding is that, this just starts a task, which calls init_pci and the rest goes from init_pci.

Is it possible to plug this code into rtems, and instead of vxworks loading it as a module, I load it as one of my tasks in my application program ? (ofcourse at compile time)

does vxworks differ much from rtems ?
can I get a vxworks module on rtems with some fiddling ?



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