Network BSP setup

Thomas Doerfler Thomas.Doerfler at
Thu Feb 7 10:11:02 UTC 2002


just my idea: has the realtek driver already been 
tested with a big endian CPU (i assume the SH1 is 
big endian)? Maybe some trouble lies there?


> Hi Eric.
> 	I'm building a Ethernet BSP with Realtek 8129AS (ne2000 compat) and Hitachi
> SH1 7032.
> 	I have a lot of availiable memory and the TCP stack works until arp pkgs
> (ETH type 0x806)
> 	When the 0x0800  (Ip packages) are eth_input()'ed and ip_input()'ed the
> system hangs.
> 	From a ping of workstation the first arp pkgs are answered and the arp
> table of workstation is updated
> 	with tme MAC and IP adr but the new arrivals hangs up the BSP.
> 	Please Tricks? Debug points? First things to see?
> 	I have read the network suplemnent and I have made all what your say there.
> 	I waste a lot of time to setup a software that works very well in pc386 but
> I can't setup in my BSP.
> 	Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
> Fernando RUIZ CASAS
> home:correo at
> work:fernando.ruiz at

IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
email:    Thomas.Doerfler at
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