[Fwd: Re: problem with GCC 2.95.3 (m68k target)]
Joel Sherrill
joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com
Wed Jan 30 12:56:40 UTC 2002
Stan has sent me some code fragments which show what he
things the problem is. Perhaps someone else can see what
is happening and if there is a patch.
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Stan" <zylog at club-internet.fr>
Subject: Re: problem with GCC 2.95.3 (m68k target)
To: "Joel Sherrill" <joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com>
> Stan wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I think that gcc 2.95.3 compile no properly.
> > How can I do ?
I to go too far ? Perhaps...
> What do you mean? I am sorry for not understanding.
A example :
/* not called directly (callback function ) */
int foo(const struct termios *t)
int var2;
volatile unsigned char *var3=0;
switch(cfgetospeed (t)){
case 0: var3=1; break;
case 1: var3=2; break;
case 2: var3=3; break;
case 3: var3=4; break;
case 4: var3=5; break;
default : var3=1;
switch(cfgetospeed (t)){
case 0: var2+=1; break;
case 1: var2+=2; break;
case 2: var2+=1; break;
case 3: var2+=2; break;
case 4: var2+=1; break;
default : var2=0;
*(var3+0) = 1;
*(var3+1) = 2;
*(var3+2) = 3;
*(var3+3) = 4;
return 0;
[CFLAG_OPTIMIZE_V with -O4 and -fomit-frame-pointer ]
0000055A 2F0A move.l A2,-(A7)
0000055C 2F02 move.l D2,-(A7)
0000055E 242F000C move.l ($000C,A7),D2
00000562 2F02 move.l D2,-(A7)
00000564 45F900000C04 lea $00000C04,A2
0000056A 4E92 jsr (A2)
0000056C 588F addq.l #4,A7
0000056E 204A movea.l A2,A0
00000570 7204 moveq #4,D1
00000572 B280 cmp.l D0,D1
00000574 652C bcs.s $000005A2
00000576 D080 add.l D0,D0
00000578 303B0806 move.w ($06,PC,D0.L*1),D0
0000057C 4EFB0002 jmp ($02,PC,D0.W*1)
00000580 0022000A ori.b #$0A,-(A2)
00000584 00100016 ori.b #$16,(A0)
00000588 001C347C ori.b #$7C,(A4)+
0000058C 00026016 ori.b #$16,D2
00000590 347C0003 movea.w #$0003,A2
00000594 6010 bra.s $000005A6
00000596 347C0004 movea.w #$0004,A2
0000059A 600A bra.s $000005A6
0000059C 347C0005 movea.w #$0005,A2
000005A0 6004 bra.s $000005A6
000005A2 347C0001 movea.w #$0001,A2
000005A6 2F02 move.l D2,-(A7)
000005A8 4E90 jsr (A0)
000005AA 588F addq.l #4,A7
000005AC 4E71 nop
missing that :
*(var3+0) = 1;
*(var3+1) = 2;
*(var3+2) = 3;
*(var3+3) = 4;
and no return (RTS), perhaps ggc believes that it is a inline function
But, why it cut few code ?
The same source with options below.
[ CFLAG_OPTIMIZE_V with -O0 and -fomit-frame-pointer ]
0000055C 4FEFFFF4 lea ($FFF4,A7),A7
00000560 2F0E move.l A6,-(A7)
00000562 42AF0004 clr.l ($0004,A7)
00000566 2F2F0014 move.l ($0014,A7),-(A7)
0000056A 4EB900000CA8 jsr $00000CA8 ;
00000570 588F addq.l #4,A7
00000572 7204 moveq #4,D1
00000574 B280 cmp.l D0,D1
00000576 6544 bcs.s $000005BC
00000578 2200 move.l D0,D1
0000057A D081 add.l D1,D0
0000057C 207C0000058A movea.l #$0000058A,A0
00000582 30300800 move.w ($00,A0,D0.L*1),D0
00000586 4EFB0002 jmp ($02,PC,D0.W*1)
0000058A 000A ????
0000058C 0012001A ori.b #$1A,(A2)
00000590 0022002A ori.b #$2A,-(A2)
00000594 7001 moveq #1,D0
00000596 2F400004 move.l D0,($0004,A7)
0000059A 6026 bra.s $000005C2
0000059C 7202 moveq #2,D1
0000059E 2F410004 move.l D1,($0004,A7)
000005A2 601E bra.s $000005C2
000005A4 7003 moveq #3,D0
000005A6 2F400004 move.l D0,($0004,A7)
000005AA 6016 bra.s $000005C2
000005AC 7204 moveq #4,D1
000005AE 2F410004 move.l D1,($0004,A7)
000005B2 600E bra.s $000005C2
000005B4 7005 moveq #5,D0
000005B6 2F400004 move.l D0,($0004,A7)
000005BA 6006 bra.s $000005C2
000005BC 7201 moveq #1,D1
000005BE 2F410004 move.l D1,($0004,A7)
000005C2 2F2F0014 move.l ($0014,A7),-(A7)
000005C6 4EB900000CA8 jsr $00000CA8 ;
000005CC 588F addq.l #4,A7
000005CE 7204 moveq #4,D1
000005D0 B280 cmp.l D0,D1
000005D2 653A bcs.s $0000060E
000005D4 2200 move.l D0,D1
000005D6 D081 add.l D1,D0
000005D8 207C000005E6 movea.l #$000005E6,A0
000005DE 30300800 move.w ($00,A0,D0.L*1),D0
000005E2 4EFB0002 jmp ($02,PC,D0.W*1)
000005E6 000A ????
000005E8 00100016 ori.b #$16,(A0)
000005EC 001C0022 ori.b #$22,(A4)+
000005F0 52AF0008 addq.l #1,($0008,A7)
000005F4 601C bra.s $00000612
000005F6 54AF0008 addq.l #2,($0008,A7)
000005FA 6016 bra.s $00000612
000005FC 52AF0008 addq.l #1,($0008,A7)
00000600 6010 bra.s $00000612
00000602 54AF0008 addq.l #2,($0008,A7)
00000606 600A bra.s $00000612
00000608 52AF0008 addq.l #1,($0008,A7)
0000060C 6004 bra.s $00000612
0000060E 42AF0008 clr.l ($0008,A7)
00000612 206F0004 movea.l ($0004,A7),A0
00000616 10BC0001 move.b #$01,(A0)
0000061A 206F0004 movea.l ($0004,A7),A0
0000061E 5288 addq.l #1,A0
00000620 10BC0002 move.b #$02,(A0)
00000624 206F0004 movea.l ($0004,A7),A0
00000628 5488 addq.l #2,A0
0000062A 10BC0003 move.b #$03,(A0)
0000062E 206F0004 movea.l ($0004,A7),A0
00000632 5688 addq.l #3,A0
00000634 10BC0004 move.b #$04,(A0)
00000638 7000 moveq #0,D0
0000063A 60000002 bra.w $0000063E
0000063E 2C5F movea.l (A7)+,A6
00000640 4FEF000C lea ($000C,A7),A7
00000644 4E75 rts
It's right
> I think gcc generated correct code in your situation
> and you just did not recognize it.
I don't think ;)
> No problem since
> we all learn from each other. if oyu don't ask
> questions, then you can't learn. :)
My question:
why gcc cut a few code ?
How to avoid a trap due to optimize ?
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