[PATCH] Forwarding of UDP broadcasts

Vyacheslav V. Burdjanadze wr at zelax.ru
Wed Jul 10 18:15:35 UTC 2002

Hi guys. I've recently implemented forwarding of UDP broadcasts to 
enable browsing MS Network through RTEMS
routers. I attached the patch of libnetworking/netinet/udp_usrreq.c to 
rtems-4.5.0. Although code isn't compilable
right after patching (we used heavily patched RTEMS networking code to 
fit our needs) you may fix it for 10-15 minutes :). The actual code is 
wrapped by FORWARD_PROTOCOL #define's . You can enable/disable 
forwarding of udp packets with specified destanation port. I tested it 
and it seems to work (I able to browse MS Network through two RTEMS 
routers) and it not leaked. I post it for those who working on router 
software. Any questions or comments are welcome.


- " Why do you call this software 'beta' ? "
- " Cuz it beta than nothin' ! "

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