Run-time selection of pc386 BSP console

Eric Norum eric.norum at
Fri Jul 12 15:39:12 UTC 2002

On Thursday, July 11, 2002, at 04:41 PM, Angelo Fraietta wrote:

> A compile time directive to determine whether the auto detect should 
> take place would be better. I am using the 386dx bsp in my embedded 
> system and don't want my serial ports taken away from me if there is no 
> video adapter.

O.K., I'll place any changes inside a #ifdef 

BTW -- what happens on your system when something does a printf and/or 
printk and there's no video adapter and the serial ports are used for 
other purposes?

Eric Norum <eric.norum at>
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Canada.
Phone: (306) 966-5394   FAX:   (306) 966-5407

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