ARM Patch

Charles Steaderman charlies at
Wed Jul 17 15:50:38 UTC 2002

Well, I patched, configured, and tried to make. When compiling 
c/src/exec/score/cpu/arm/cpu_asm.S I get an error about cannot find 
rtems/score/cpu_asm.h. Then I get a bunch of error messages (to be 
expected I assume). Have I done something wrong? Am I missing a step?

- Charlie

Jay Monkman wrote:

>Here's a patch agains the 20020301 snapshot for ARM that
>       fixes the inline assembly for interruptmanagement
>       is a new _ISR_Handler that stays in INT mode
>       fixes _CPU_Context_switch so it saves CPSR
>I must have messed up generating the patch, because patch rejects
>irq_asm.S, so I've included it seperately.
>I don't know if this code is correct, but it works better for me than
>the old stuff.

Charlie Steaderman
charlies at
VP Engineering
Poliac Research Corporation
Phone: 952.707.6245
Cel: 612.242.6364

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