pc386 BSP - is it still supported?

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at bigpond.com
Sun May 19 22:16:14 UTC 2002

  The versions I am using are as Follows:


Additionally, I am using the bit script, which generates the configure 
I execute the script like this:
./bit_rtems i386 pc386dx

Additionally, I have a symlink for my rtems version to RTEMS4.5.0ss

Robin Iddon wrote:

>Thanks - no need to worry about the RPM's version numbers - that is what I
>am using - just downloaded yesterday.
>I still get an error compiling - I use the following configure command:
>../rtems-ss-20020301/configure --target=i386-rtems --disable-pos
>ix --disable-itron --disable-networking --enable-rtemsbsp=pc386dx
>I get the following error message from the compilation:
>i386-rtems-gcc --pipe -B../../../../../../../lib/ -B../../../../../../../pc3
>86dx/lib/ -specs
>bsp_specs -qrtems -DHAVE_CONFIG_H    -DUSE_INIT_FINI -ansi -fasm      -O4 -g
> -Wall -msoft-float -mno-fp-ret-in-387  -o o-optimize/sbrk.o -c
>rtup/../../../shared/sbrk.c:27: conflicting types for `sbrk'
>unistd.h:57: previous declaration of `sbrk'
>If you could send me your "configure" command and double check you are using
>the same snapshot release, that would be really helpful!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Angelo Fraietta
>To: Robin Iddon
>Cc: rtems-users at oarcorp.com
>Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 8:09 AM
>Subject: Re: pc386 BSP - is it still supported?
>No, I mean the pre built RPMs from the OARCorp site. I'll get the version
>numbers I am using tommorrow when I start my Linux machine up.
>The pc386dx BSP was added after that release.

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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