Dynamic Libraries

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at bigpond.com
Fri Nov 8 03:32:47 UTC 2002

Till Straumann wrote:

> Angelo Fraietta wrote:
>> What I mean is that a user can develop compiled modules and download 
>> them into the flash filesystem. When RTEMS loads, looks in the flash 
>> disk and loads any modules. This allows me to add modules at run-time 
>> instead of compile time. The modules would be quite specific. It 
>> ultimately means that the firmware can grow with the user -- i.e. 
>> they can design and add modules to their hardware product without 
>> having to rebuild the whole target.
> Yeah - you can do that with esh, I suppose or with Cexp.
What is esh and Cexp?

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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