Problem building C++ Program

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at
Mon Nov 11 21:06:52 UTC 2002

This is how I get my apps to build (see attached makefile). I just 
copied from existing Makefiles to make these.

Dieter Schaefer wrote:

>Hello all,
>I'm in the middle of porting RTEMS SS-20021007 to a PowerPC based board. So far, 
>things went quite successful. The included samples like hello.exe, ticker.exe, 
>cdtest.exe etc. work as expected.
>Now I have problems to get my own C++ programs build. I've started with Makefile.leaf 
>found in /opt/rtems/make/Template. It works ok for plain C programs, however it fails 
>to build C++ programs. (Looks like it doesn't link the proper libraries)
>Any suggestions what to add or modify?
>Another question related to this template Makefile.leaf is how to generate a linker 
>map? The parameter "-Map" is either not passed to the linker, or not 
>recognized by gcc. All I could go to work was the "-M" option ... sending the linker map 
>to stdout.
>Any help and suggestions are appreciated.

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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