Paul Whitfield paulw at microsol.iinet.net.au
Thu Nov 14 00:53:36 UTC 2002

Francesco Poletti wrote:
> Hy,
> I wasn't able to understand which use is done of the variables EXTRA_DIST 
> which is used in a lot of mafile.am file...
> thank to anyone which is able to help me!
> Francesco

See the link suggested by Ralf about the autotools,

It provides an explanation of this (page 151 of my dead tree copy)

"Sometimes you have to distribuyte files that are not covered 
automatically. It is easy to add addtion files to a distribution; just 
list them in the macro 'EXTRA_DIST'.

Are you just trying to understand how the auto-tools process works,
or are you trying to do something else?

Best regards


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