filesystem support

Carlton Haycock chaycock at
Tue Oct 22 17:30:28 UTC 2002

Is support for FAT included in the base distribution?  
How about the disk device drivers?

>Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>Carlton Haycock wrote:
>>>What filesystem support does RTEMS have?  FAT/Ext2/etc
>>Off the top of my head, RTEMS supports the following filesystems:
>>  + In Memory File System (IMFS)
>>  + mini-IMFS (reduced functionality, footprint)
>>  + tftp filesystem
>>  + ftp filesystem
>>  + FAT12/16/32
>I am right now working on a simple NFS2 client  (1st release will have 
>no caching)
>-- Till
>>>I have not been able to find a difinitive answer in the docs....the closest
>>>I saw was the document on the filesystem plug-in architecture.

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