Fw: Re: Rtems und NFS

Peter Mueller peter.o.mueller at gmx.de
Wed Sep 11 18:08:26 UTC 2002

FYI, Peter

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 12:29:39 +0200
From: "Jacques-Olivier Haenni" <haenni at www.haenni.info>
To: Peter Mueller <peter.o.mueller at gmx.de>
Subject: Re: Rtems und NFS

You're right, a student of mine tried to implement a NFS client on RTEMS.
 Actually, his work was not so good (he was finally not really motivated),
and this implementation has never been functional.  He didn't do anything
valuable, unfortunately.

Sorry for this negative answer...


> Hallo Jacques-Olivier,
> in einer alten Email von `99 stand, dass ein Student von Dir 
> einen NFS Client für Rtems bauen wollte. Ist daraus was 
> geworden? Ich wäre an den Ergebnissen interessiert.
> Gruss,
> Peter Mueller
> -- 
> "This is an object-oriented system.
> If we change anything, the users object."

"This is an object-oriented system.
If we change anything, the users object."
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