Someone will have to find the bug in gcc-3.2.1->gcc-3.2.3 causing ticker to crash for pc386

Valette Eric eric.valette at
Thu Apr 3 13:27:18 UTC 2003

Salman wrote:
> Well, if we're certain that it's GCC related (and not our own patches,
> etc) can't we just report it to the GCC bug list or something ??

I run official 4.6pre1 code for testing now... To report the bug, you 
need to have a simple code that is not correctly compiled as well as a 
commented ASM code...

> I would have tackled the problem myself, if I wasn't so damn busy with
> my final year studies, since it has effected my project as well.

Doing debugging on my personnal PC is not something I like. Besides, I 
woul like to do more interesting things on rtems (e.g gdb remote 
debugging or IRQ code...)

   /  `                   	Eric Valette
  /--   __  o _.          	6 rue Paul Le Flem
(___, / (_(_(__         	35740 Pace

Tel: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76	Fax: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76
E-mail: eric.valette at

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