RTEMS vs RTL vs VxWorks

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at bigpond.com
Sun Apr 6 22:03:36 UTC 2003

I wouldn't mind having a read of what you find and referencing it in my 
thesis if you don't mind.

Salman wrote:

>I'm devoting a short section of my thesis on RTEMS vs other RTOSes.
>The only figures I could find were from Till Straumann (year 2001).
>I know there was a small mistake regarding pthreads in the benchmark
>(according to mails flying around on Dec 2002).
>Has anyone carried out the test again since then ??
>Are there any other figures, papers, analysing or evaluating RTEMS
>against other RTOSes ??

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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