Help in building a minimal Librtems.a

Chris Johns cjohns at
Thu Dec 18 00:53:00 UTC 2003

Charles L. Nelson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have followed the directions for building a bare bsp and linking to the
> resulting library works well for me.  My only problem is that the smallest
> library I have figured out how to build is about ~ 2.5M.  I can't seem to
> get it any smaller.  I need to get it into a range of about 768K or less.
> Has anyone managed to do this?

I suspect the lib has debug info included. Also what is in the lib may not be what 
ends up in your application. It depends on the managers you use.

The best test is to write an empty init task and create an excutable image. The 
resulting executable can be inspected with the size command to determine the target 
resources used.

> I am using rtems snapshot 'rtems-ss-20030703' configured for,
> --target=mips-rtems \
> --disable-networking \
> --disable-cxx \
> --disable-posix \
> --disable-itron \
> --disable-tests \
> --disable-docs
> I am using the following compiler options
> -EL
> -G 8
> -mgp32
> -mlong32
> -mips32
> -Os
> -fomit-frame-pointer
> Thanks,
> Charles L. Nelson

  Chris Johns, cjohns at cybertec . com . au

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