configure error while building RTEMS 4.5.0 on linux host
Joel Sherrill
joel.sherrill at
Wed Jul 23 16:01:07 UTC 2003
anand v wrote:
> yeah!!..looks like thats the problem...i tried to
> run a program(hello.c) separately using the
> "sparc-rtems-gcc" compiler...i got this message :
> [xxx at yyy ..]$
> [xxx at yyy ..]$./sparc-rtems-gcc hello.c -o hello
> <command line>:warning:"cpu" re-asserted
> <command line>:warning:"machine" re-asserted
> cpp:-lang-c :linker input file unused since linking
> not done.
> sparc-rtems-gcc:installation problem,cannot exec 'cc1'
> :no such file or directory
This is a warning in a very old version of gcc caused by some
reorganization. Please update your tools and RTEMS source
to the latest 4.6.0 previews.
> [xxx at yyy ..]$
> [xxx at yyy ..]$
> [xxx at yyy ..]$
> i guess its unable to locate some library..
> moreover..i presume that this is probably the reason
> for the configure error and subsequently the make
> error...
No. It is definitely different.
When you link RTEMS applications, you have to provide more
arguments to specify which BSP you are linking against.
See the Hello World example in the Getting Started manual.
> ....this brings me to another doubt...
> can the PATH variable in linux have paths to libraries
> also or is it only for executables inside any
> "bin"?...
It should include the "bin" directory. The standard
location on Linux is /opt/rtems/bin.
> the contents of my file hello.c :
> *****HELLO.C******START*****
> #include<stdio.h>//tried leaving this out
> //still doesn't work....!!
> main()
> {
> printf("hello world!");
> }
> ********END OF HELLO.C********
> just to add ,the above program compiled and executed
> successfully with gcc(v 2.96) in /usr/bin.
Please see the RTEMS hello world example.
> Regards
> Anand
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Joel Sherrill, Ph.D. Director of Research & Development
joel at On-Line Applications Research
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