bit scripts

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at
Thu Mar 6 21:01:12 UTC 2003

Joel Sherrill wrote:

> Ralf Corsepius wrote:
>> Am Mit, 2003-03-05 um 22.45 schrieb Angelo Fraietta:
>>> I placed the full console output for my attempt of the 4.6 
>>> prerelease on
>>> ]
>>> However, no-one has been able/willing to tell me what I have done 
>>> wrong so I am stuck.
>> I don't see any error in your log-files.
> I don't either.  It looks like your tools and RTEMS are building 
> completely.
> I think I noticed that you built all the BSPs (no --enable-rtemsbsp 
> option).

Is this supposed to be in the configure? I want pc386dx, however, I also 
built the pc386 to eliminate floating point library issues.

After the configure completed I did
gmake RTEMS_BSP="pc386 pc386dx"

This also built without logging any errors.

> Which BSP are you trying to load, what PC are you using and how does 

I tested both the two I mentioned on a Pentium 200 (it ran samples fine 
from the old snapshot samples)

> it fail?

Ticker and unlimited cause an exception message to scroll all the time 
with both pc386 and pc386dx (run on Pentium 200)
with the exception of unlimited built with pc386 which writes a message 
similar to the ones I built with the previous snapshot (message posted 
28 Feb)
   I get the message
   TEST1: auto-extend disabled
   TEST1: creating task 'aa00', number = 0, ide = 0a010002, starting

with the exception that the screen becomes completely white after the 
word starting to the bottom of the screen.

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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