unable to make install under cygwin

Angelo Fraietta angelo_f at bigpond.com
Wed Mar 12 04:08:32 UTC 2003

Angelo Fraietta wrote:

> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>Angelo Fraietta wrote:
>>>I am unable to make and install RTEMS under cygwin.
>>>If I do a make all, RTEMS builds (the samples still don't work though);
>>>however, if I do a make install, I get the following failure:
>>>/usr/nin/install: cannot create regular file
>>>//opt/rtems/i386-rtems/pc386/lib " no such host or network
>>>I believe the problem is that is is trying to go to //opt instead of /opt
>>>Is there anything special I need to do in the configure for cygwin?
>>I downloaded over the weekend to my home computer and did a
>>"native" Cygwin build without problems. 
>>I think you are right that // is special in Cygwin.  Can you tell
>>from the logs where it started to come from? I believe it is looking
>>for the host named "opt". :(
>The error is occuring when it says
>make install-data-hook
>the command says makedir -p   //opt/rtems/i386-rtems/pc386/lib
>I have had a look in the makefile and it has
>install-data-hook: $(LIB)
>	@$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)/$(libdir)
>	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIB) $(DESTDIR)/$(libdir)
>I have found in that libdir defined inthe makefile as 
>libdir = ${exec_prefix}/pc386/lib
>however DESTDIR is not defined anywhere in that file



from the makefile allowed RTEMS to install, and I was successfully able 
to build and run the hello world example
The libcpp project did not build.
I built ticker, however, it failed when I tried to run it.

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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