Phil Torre ptorre at
Tue Mar 25 18:12:02 UTC 2003

Attached are my rtems_init.c and test_config.h files.  You'll 
probably want to lose the explicit call to __eabi() in the Init
task (my BSP needs a little help with C++ right now).  


On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 08:01:02AM +0000, Jack Cawkwell wrote:
> Phil,
> Thanks for this. Do you have the C file that drives these tests?
> Is it tests/rtems_init.c . I anticipate that I will have to create
> a version of rtems_init.c for each test, and then link then to the
> rest of rtems, add netboot parts, then load onto the board
> (in my case a PC104 i386).
> Jack
> Phil Torre <ptorre at> writes:
> >Gents,
> >
> >For what it's worth, I spent some time getting ACE working with RTEMS
> >before we lost political support for using a cross-platform abstraction
> >layer for RTEMS and ms windows.  I was using rtems-ss-20020628 and 
> >ACE (without TAO) from their CVS server circa 11/21/2002.  Attached is
> >a summary my luck at getting the tests in the ACE test suite to run.
> >I made one tweak to the POSIX key destructor behavior in RTEMS, but 
> >IIRC most of the changes required were to the test programs themselves
> >(trimming resource requirements so they would run on our MPC860 board).
> >
> >Best regards,
> >-Phil



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