UDP packet not sent (LEON+OpenCores NIC)

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com
Wed Nov 12 11:35:16 UTC 2003

Rolf Schroedter wrote:

> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>> Are you trying to run at 100 Mbits?  Jiri Gaisler mentioned to me 
>> that the OpenCores
>> NIC is not 100% perfect at 100 Mbits.
> The Linux-PC NIC is 10 Mbits.
> Therefore I assume that the OpenCores NIC runs also at 10 Mbits.
> The communication is stable until the first 960 byte packet is
> written to the IP stack.
OK.  Just a thought.  Jiri did run ttcp on the nic before submitting it so
it was stable in his configuration at 10 Mbits.

Given the custom nature of the LEON+NIC, it could be hardware or
something as simple as a stack size.  Somehow I doubt a basic driver
but given that it worked for Jiri.

> Rolf.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Rolf Schroedter
> German Aerospace Center
> Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration
> D-12489 Berlin, Rutherfordstrasse 2
> Tel/Fax:  (+49) (30) 67055-416/384
> Email:    Rolf.Schroedter at dlr.de

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