UDP packet not sent (LEON+OpenCores NIC)

Rolf Schroedter Rolf.Schroedter at dlr.de
Wed Nov 12 15:30:18 UTC 2003

Joel Sherrill wrote:
> OK.  Just a thought.  Jiri did run ttcp on the nic before submitting it so
> it was stable in his configuration at 10 Mbits.
> Given the custom nature of the LEON+NIC, it could be hardware or
> something as simple as a stack size.  Somehow I doubt a basic driver
> but given that it worked for Jiri.

Which RTEMS parameters should be tuned for networking ?
I'm using 16 MByte SDRAM and played with CONFIGURE_INIT_TASK_STACK_SIZE
-- no change.

Now I played around with the "rtems-ttcp" test using "ttcp" (Linux)
at the other side. And it seems to me that it fails too.

### BTW, I can't get the UDP-version "ttcp -u ..." sending anything.

Any help is highly appreciated, I'm really stuck.

1. Test (okay)
         RTEMS: rtems-ttcp -t -s -n 2
         LINUX: ttcp -r -s
         16384 bytes sent from RTEMS
         16384 bytes received at LINUX
         LINUX ttcp closes autonomously
         Total 28 TCP packets seen

************ IP Statistics ************
              total packets received          13
  datagrams delivered to upper level          13
     total ip packets generated here          15

************ TCP Statistics ************
               connections initiated           1
             connections established           1
      segs where we tried to get rtt           3
                  times we succeeded           3
                  total packets sent          15
                   data packets sent          12
                     data bytes sent       16384
               ack-only packets sent           2
  control (SYN|FIN|RST) packets sent           1
              total packets received          13
       out-of-order packets received           1
                    rcvd ack packets          13
            bytes acked by rcvd acks       16385

2. Test (failure ?)
         RTEMS: rtems-ttcp -t -s -n 4
         LINUX: ttcp -r -s
         32768 bytes sent from RTEMS
         23948 bytes received at LINUX ??
         LINUX ttcp does not close !!!
         Total 47(!) TCP packets seen

************ IP Statistics ************
              total packets received          24
  datagrams delivered to upper level          24
     total ip packets generated here          28

************ TCP Statistics ************
               connections initiated           1
             connections established           1
      segs where we tried to get rtt           4
                  times we succeeded           3
                  total packets sent          27
                   data packets sent          24
                     data bytes sent       32768
          data packets retransmitted           1
            data bytes retransmitted        1460
               ack-only packets sent           1
  control (SYN|FIN|RST) packets sent           1
              total packets received          24
                 rcvd duplicate acks           7
                    rcvd ack packets          16
            bytes acked by rcvd acks       23948

Rolf Schroedter
German Aerospace Center
Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration
D-12489 Berlin, Rutherfordstrasse 2
Tel/Fax:  (+49) (30) 67055-416/384
Email:    Rolf.Schroedter at dlr.de

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