Question to OAR

Dieter Schaefer Dieter.B.Schaefer at
Wed Nov 19 21:04:00 UTC 2003

> All, 
> Perhaps this lends to a new focus group such as a testing committee 
> essentially those that have a stake in a certain hardware / target 
> platform.  Snapshots would occur as currently, but adding a "freeze 
> point" at certain intervals to allow the testing committee to report 
> their results (in a timely manner).  Just some thoughts. 
> Mark Johannes 
> Vice President, Technology 
> OAR Corporation 

Good idea 
Would be interested to join and support this group/testing committee.  
As I mentioned in a previous post, I could possibly support testing on  
some available hardware. 

Best regards 
Dieter Schaefer 

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