problem with using rdbg on i386 target

john wu xyz_wyj88 at
Thu Nov 27 23:08:43 UTC 2003

 --- Eugene Denisov <dea at> schrieb: >
> I'm trying to use remote debugging of i386-pc target
> via 
> ethernet and get the following problem:
> As I understand I need to compile gdb-5.2 with
> applied patches 
> from current RTEMS release (4.6.0pre5) with 
> --target=i386-RTEMS
> unfortunately it fail to compile with this target
> (however it 
> successfully compiles for i386-rtems target):
> $ ../gdb-5.2/configure --prefix=/opt/rtems-gdb 
> --target=i386-RTEMS
> Configuring for a i686-pc-linux-gnu host.
> Invalid configuration `i386-RTEMS': system `RTEMS'
> not 
> recognized
> Unrecognized target system name i386-RTEMS.
> I attempted to modify configure scripts but get no
> success.
> Please help me.
> Best regards,
> Eugene Denisov

the target should be:  --target=i386-rtems



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