
D. Peter Siddons siddons at
Tue Oct 21 08:40:35 UTC 2003

Dear all,
    I asked this question about a year ago, and see occasional remoarks 
on the list, but so far there is not a BSP for the Coldfire 5272 chip in 
the distribution. I think there may be some out there, but maybe they 
are proprietary. Is anyone running RTEMS on this processor, and if so 
are they willing to share any code? I am particularly interested in the 
Arcturus uC5272 DIMM card. This is a low-cost and versatile component 
which I currently use with uClinux, but would rather use RTEMS.

D. Peter Siddons
Bldg. 725D, NSLS
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11976

Email: siddons at

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