Webserver integration

Thomas Doerfler Thomas.Doerfler at imd-systems.de
Thu Oct 23 19:11:43 UTC 2003


i have used the webserver in some applications, but always had 
to change things, especiially in the main startup module (is 
it websmain.c ?). 

If you have a look at that module, you will find, that it 
integrates some sample "form" handlers, wich are not really 
useful for a normal application, so goAhead really intended at 
least this module to be customized.

 Although this is not a "clean" way to do it, I had no big 
problems to copy the relevant source files from the RTEMS 
source tree to my application, modify them the way I like, and 
then compiled/linked them with my application. This way I do 
not have to recompile the whole RTEMS sources, but can modify 
only the modules I like to have as a special version.


> I try to integrate the goahead webserver in my system. Until now i was just 
> reading and have some questions:
> 	as a real embedded system i have no filesystem so i have to save my
> 	html-pages in rom but the webserver offers only the opportunity to include
> 	pages in rom only during system generation and not during application 
> 	generation. Why, i don't want to generate the whole system only becourse of a 
> 	little change i a html-page.
> 	where can i find the webcomp executable or a description to generate the
> 	webcomp executable?
> 	where can i find a webserver howto, with a description howto integrate the
> 	webserver into the system, howto start and howto configurate the webserver on
> 	start or during runtime?
> -- 
> Gerald Klaucke

IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
D-82178 Puchheim          Germany
email:    Thomas.Doerfler at imd-systems.de
PGP public key available at: http://www.imd-

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