RTEMS Makefile Support

Cedric Aubert cedric_aubert at yahoo.fr
Tue Sep 30 12:48:48 UTC 2003

Hi eric,
I am agree with you that Sniff+ makefile support should be difficult to integrate
with the rtems Makefile for build rtems itself. But for my usage it's only for
my user applicaiton witch use the rtems gcc and the rtems bsp lib directory.
and for me, my build space and my source space will be the same, so it would
be ok.
With the help that ralf gave to me, I have realized a PLATFORM.mk that works now.
Thanks Ralf ;-)
In fact, it is very simple but to my mind, it shouldn't be enough. But right now I can
build and link C and C++ src.
I give it, if someone will have to do it.
Thanks alls for your help.

Eric Valette <eric.valette at free.fr> wrote:
Ralf Corsepius wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 10:12, Cedric Aubert wrote:
>>>I don't fully understand what you are trying to do,
>>>but there are two
>>>basic issues:
>>In fact, I try to integrate a Rtems Makefile
>>environnement in Sniff IDE who get a automatic
>>Makefile generation. 
> Urgs. Now I begin to understand ;-)
> I have never used Sniff+ and wasn't aware that it's an IDE.

I have used Sniff and fighted a lot to make in work in our enviroment 
(ChorusOs at that time). The basic problem is that it supposes that the 
build space and the source space are identical which is wrong for 
ChorusOs and rtems via vpath Makefile usage, it also do not like 
symbolic links, ...

I met them once to explain what my problem was and they just gave up to 
try to enhance the tools to fit my needs.

So to summarize using sniff on rtems while possible will be difficult 
for many things except as a good graphical etags + emacs...

/ ` Eric Valette
/-- __ o _. 6 rue Paul Le Flem
(___, / (_(_(__ 35740 Pace

Tel: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76 Fax: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76
E-mail: eric.valette at free.fr

SDEL Controle Commande
rue Nungesser & Coli
44860 St Aignan de Grand Lieu

E-mail : cedric_aubert at yahoo.fr
Http : http://www.controle-commande.sdel.fr/

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