PPC405GPr with RTEMS + Support? (+ License talk)

Phil Torre ptorre at zetron.com
Fri Aug 6 17:02:21 UTC 2004

On Fri, Aug 06, 2004 at 09:33:42AM -0500, Joel Sherrill <joel at OARcorp.com> wrote:
> Steve Holle wrote:
> >At 04:00 PM 8/5/2004, Smith, Gene wrote:
> >
> >I'm wondering the same thing about the GoAhead Webserver code in RTEMS.  
> >What license applies there?
> At the top of the RTEMS source tree is a LICENSE.WEBSERVER which
> points to their own license.  I don't see it requiring anything
> except that (from an RTEMS perspective) we submit our mods
> back to them within 30 days.  We have done that.
> Double check me on this but my reading is that if you use the
> RTEMS distribution unchanged and the RTEMS project sends them
> changes, we have met the terms of the license.

We have already shipped a product using RTEMS/GoAhead, and to comply
with the GoAhead license, we:

1) Notified GoAhead of our product release.

2) Included "Incorporates GoAhead WebServer blah blah" in the front
   matter of our manual.

3) Display the GoAhead logo on the index page generated by our product.

Our reading of the GoAhead license was that we were required to do
all of those things, even though we got their code as part of the
RTEMS distribution.


Phil Torre                               phone: 425-820-6363 x234
Design Engineer                          email: ptorre at zetron.com
Switching Systems Group                    fax: 425-820-7031
Zetron, Inc.                               web: http://www.zetron.com

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