PPC405GPr with RTEMS + Support? (+ License talk)

Steve Holle sholle at link-comm.com
Fri Aug 6 17:14:07 UTC 2004

At 11:02 AM 8/6/2004, Phil Torre wrote:
>We have already shipped a product using RTEMS/GoAhead, and to comply
>with the GoAhead license, we:
>1) Notified GoAhead of our product release.
>2) Included "Incorporates GoAhead WebServer blah blah" in the front
>    matter of our manual.
>3) Display the GoAhead logo on the index page generated by our product.
>Our reading of the GoAhead license was that we were required to do
>all of those things, even though we got their code as part of the
>RTEMS distribution.

This was our understanding also, and we have done the same.  If the 
licensing is different for the
RTEMS dist, that would be nice to know.

>Phil Torre                               phone: 425-820-6363 x234
>Design Engineer                          email: ptorre at zetron.com
>Switching Systems Group                    fax: 425-820-7031
>Zetron, Inc.                               web: http://www.zetron.com

Steve Holle
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd.
Billings, MT  59101
sholle at link-comm.com  

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