rtems gdb/insight to jtag

Smith, Gene gene.smith at siemens.com
Tue Aug 31 21:21:02 UTC 2004

Jay Monkman wrote, On 8/31/2004 5:00 PM:

> On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 03:09:36PM -0400, Smith, Gene wrote:
>>Yes, it sounds nice. It appears to come with a enhanced gdb (bdiGDB). 
>>Will that work with rtems or do you really have to build a special gdb 
>>with rtems patches?
> It just implements the GDB remote protocol. The debugger doesn't
> require any special GDB patches. You can use whatever GDB binary you
> have. 
Oh, ok. I see. You actually use your own gdb and bdiGDB is just an 
adaptation layer.
fyi, here is the price they quoted me from their US distributor, USI:

USI07-33103 ABTR BDI2000 & bdiGDB - PPC4xx 		$2,570.00

USI07-20301K ABTR US Power Supply & Cable Kit
-AC/DC 5V Power Supply
-USB to RS-232 Cable
-Ethernet Cables (Std-YLW & Xover-GRY)			$199.00

USI07-SPRT-1 ABTR PAP Subscription (GDB/Wind) - 1YR
-Phone support via The PTR Group - 1YR
-Extends software updates - 1YR to 2YRS
-Update Notification - bdiGDB				$395.00

(Not sure if the last item is optional or not.)

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