"Can't obtain network semaphore"

Steve Holle sholle at link-comm.com
Thu Dec 16 18:08:16 UTC 2004

I bit the bullet and undefed RTEMS_FAST_MUTEX and recompiled this morning 
and now I get the error message :
RTEMS: Can't obtain network semaphore: `object deleted while waiting'

Does this give us any more details?
How can I trap on that specific semaphore being deleted, as I don't think 
it ever should.

At 03:22 PM 12/15/2004, Eric Norum wrote:
>Joel Sherrill  wrote:
>>I still wonder if there is really any value to not calling the
>>real semaphore services.  I thought the direct use of score services
>>was just temporary for comparison and speed improvement until
>>we had the optimizations in semaphore.
>>Chris/Eric what do you guys remember?
>IIRC we put in the 'fast mutex' stuff because it made a significant impact 
>on the network performance (for EPICS at least).   Perhaps it's no longer 
>the case.  I'd be happy to remove the fast mutex stuff -- it always felt a 
>little like I was poking into places I ought not....
>Eric Norum                                 norume at aps.anl.gov
>Advanced Photon Source                     Phone: (630) 252-4793
>Argonne National Laboratory

Steve Holle
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd.
Billings, MT  59101
sholle at link-comm.com  

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