Separate Development

Manuel Pedro Coutinho manuelpedrocoutinho at
Fri Dec 31 10:15:25 UTC 2004

>From: Chris Johns <chrisj at>
>To: Manuel Pedro Coutinho <manuelpedrocoutinho at>
>CC: joel.sherrill at, rtems-users at
>Subject: Re: Separate Development
>Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 09:38:45 +1100
>Manuel Pedro Coutinho wrote:
>>You said that one could pre-compile the CPU kit and the user could just 
>>build the BSP and link them (with the application). How exactly can this 
>>be done? (or where could I find some documentation)
>I have updated the Wiki to detail how this is done. Search for multilib.
>  Chris Johns

Thanks for the information

Multilib wasn't what I was thinking of...
I thought of 3 approaches

1  change/add/remove the Makefiles tree produced by the configure script
    Problems: when adding a new directory (whether it's a new driver, BSP, 
etc) one has to create a new Makefile
                  very sensitive to changes in RTEMS

2  copy the original source to the rtems developer user, modify the, add/remove/change the files, run bootstrap and then configure 
and build. In the end, one can remove the original copy (if the changes were 
made in runtime)
   Problems: It copies the whole tree to the developer user.

3  copy PART of the original source to the rtems developer user, modify the, add/remove/change the files. In addition to the of 
the directory one wants to change, many other must be changed in 
order to referenciate the original source tree in the rtems source user. 
After many have been changed, run bootstrap and then configure 
and build.
   Problems: Many need to be changed.
                 more complex.

Perhaps the most easy and robust approach was the second option, whereas the 
third option was the best, but much more complex.

Please, tell me suggestions and/or faults of any of this approaches
Insites are most welcome!

Manuel Coutinho

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