termios with high baud rate...

Charles Steaderman charlies at poliac.com
Thu Jan 15 20:30:24 UTC 2004

I have a custom 5206e board working with 60096 baud with interrupt based 
termios, although the data from the sending device is not entirely 
continuous. I will see if I can find a way to quickly modify my 
application to test at 115200. How are you sending a continuous stream? 
I am sure that hardware handshaking will be necessary. Is that OK for 
your application?

- Charlie

Stan wrote:

>Does anyone use termios at 115200 bauds ?
>I would like to know it work properly on mcf5206elite...
>In my case, at this baud rate, with or without flow control,
>I don't receive characters if the flow is continuous :(
>It works only with a transmit delay between each line ( 1 ms ).
>If anyone can test it...

Charlie Steaderman
charlies at poliac.com
VP Engineering
Poliac Research Corporation
Phone: 952.707.6245
Cel: 612.242.6364

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