Memory usage

Etienne Fortin etienne.fortin at
Thu Jul 22 13:38:09 UTC 2004

You're absolutely right. But we aim at having a basic functionality
system that can fit all into the MCF5282. We have plan for future models
as functionalities need grows. But the fact is we want to have the
smallest common denominator available in the most integrated form, ie no
extra external components or the less possible.

Etienne Fortin

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Eric Valette [mailto:eric.valette at] 
Envoyé : 22 juillet, 2004 09:06
À : Etienne Fortin
Cc : 'Aaron J. Grier'; 'Chris Johns'; rtems-users at
Objet : Re: RE : Memory usage

> The problem is the memory consumption of RTEMS have a DIRECT impact on

> our board design, obviously.

On the other hand, depending on the targeted volumes, adding some more $

for extra memory (e.g 2$ for 50k pieces ~= 3 men months) could at the 
end cost less than :
	- Spending a lot of engineering time to reduce memory
	- Immediately putting hardware limits on the first generation of
a new 
(from the sentence above) hardware design, if functionnality are known 
to need to evolve and cost another design in a too near future,

my 2 cents,

   /  `                   	Eric Valette
  /--   __  o _.          	6 rue Paul Le Flem
(___, / (_(_(__         	35740 Pace

Tel: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76	Fax: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76
E-mail: eric.valette at

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