Memory usage

Eric Valette eric.valette at
Thu Jul 22 13:06:18 UTC 2004

> The problem is the memory consumption of RTEMS have a DIRECT impact on
> our board design, obviously. 

On the other hand, depending on the targeted volumes, adding some more $ 
for extra memory (e.g 2$ for 50k pieces ~= 3 men months) could at the 
end cost less than :
	- Spending a lot of engineering time to reduce memory consumption,
	- Immediately putting hardware limits on the first generation of a new 
(from the sentence above) hardware design, if functionnality are known 
to need to evolve and cost another design in a too near future,

my 2 cents,

   /  `                   	Eric Valette
  /--   __  o _.          	6 rue Paul Le Flem
(___, / (_(_(__         	35740 Pace

Tel: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76	Fax: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76
E-mail: eric.valette at

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