how to make a bootable RTEMS for pc686

Jack Cawkwell J.Cawkwell at
Sun Jul 4 12:29:15 UTC 2004

Hi Alireza,

I am still an RTEMS novice, but I have put the
bootable image in /boot under the linux filesystem,
and then booted it from grub or lilo in the same
way as the linux image.

For boot testing purposes there is a bootable
image available for RTEMS/Picotk, which you could
try booting first. (


Alireza Mahdian <a_mahdian at> writes:
>dear all
>i am new to rtems. actually i leanrned about it just
>two days ago. i've managed to build it for a i386
>target cpu and for pc686 bsp . i did that under redhat
>linux 8.0 . it seems like the RTEMS is built and
>installed but i don't know the exact place of the OS.

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