Task Information from a Debugger

Leon Pollak leonp at plris.com
Tue Nov 16 14:40:39 UTC 2004

On Tuesday 16 November 2004 15:29, you wrote:
> Strange.  Running that macro I get:
> =====================================================================
>  # | Name |    ID    | Pri |  Ticks   | State
> ---+------+----------+-----+----------+------------------------------
>  1 | init | 0a010001 |   1 |     8067 | There is no member or method
> named pc.
> (gdb)
> and that's it!  I should have 3 other tasks.  This occurs even before
> the problem I mentioned previosly.  Does this mean I have something
> configured incorrectly?
Mark, try to delete/comment the line 70 from the file.
It seems to me that it is not used, but causes your error message.


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