MVME2307 booting

Bill Nolan wnolan at
Wed Nov 17 21:46:31 UTC 2004

Hi all, 
I think i have a question about using the MVME2307 bootloader.

I have built and linked the sample apps under ss-20030703
for the mvme2307 bsp, however the .exe file prodused at the end of the
linking stage will not execute on the target, an actual mvme2307.

I've tried to load via srecord as well as network boot with the same

I have used 'GO 0' after loading the executable
either by loading srec's and a GO or by a NBO/H type command

In all cases the result is the same.
Exception: Program (Illegal Instruction)

I assume that I am just not loading the executable correctaly for a
PPC target , But am at a loss as to what i could be doing wrong. 

Is there a second stage linking that need be done? 

I've read through the README and Booting documents in the source tree
and did not notice anything that pointed to what was wrong. 

Any help to put me back on track would be most truly apprecaited. 

Many thanks

The actual error in more detail is in the cruft below.

There seems to be an instruction at 0x2C that jumps/branchs to a NULL
instruction at 0x24 

PPC1-Bug>as 2c
0000002C 4200FFF8  BC          16,0,$00000024?

( branch on condition allways to 24 ) 

Exception: Program (Illegal Instruction)
SRR0 =00000024 SRR1 =00083040 Vector-Offset =00700
IP     =00000024 MSR    =00003040 CR     =48400000 FPSCR  =00000000
R0     =00000000 R1     =001F0190 R2     =00000000 R3     =00000000
R4     =001F0000 R5     =0002544C R6     =00000020 R7     =00000028
R8     =001F0028 R9     =00000000 R10    =00000000 R11    =001F0000
R12    =002113F8 R13    =00023BA0 R14    =00000000 R15    =00000000
R16    =00000000 R17    =101F0108 R18    =00000000 R19    =00000000
R20    =00000000 R21    =00000000 R22    =00000000 R23    =00000000
R24    =00000000 R25    =00000000 R26    =00000000 R27    =00000000
R28    =00003040 R29    =00000082 R30    =00029080 R31    =00000000
SPR0   =00000000 SPR1   =20000000 SPR8   =000004D0 SPR9   =00009508
00000024 00000000  WORD        $00000000

the program space up to this point looks like 

PPC1-Bug>md 00 30
00000000  48000400 00000000 00000000 00000000  H...............
00000010  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000020  00000000 00000000 00000000 4200FFF8  ............B...

the inital branch call at 00 going to 400 works correctaly to set up a special
purpose register. The second call is where the problem seems to be.

Bill Nolan.
wnolan at
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